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Case Win: Preserving Nurse Union Member’s Higher Classification

Defying Reclassification: Passionate Nurse Educator's Fight for Fairness

Case Win: how our member managed to keep their job while protecting their health.


The past few years are known widely...

Aged Care Award increases from July 2023: Know your new paypoint

With the wage increases across the Aged Care industry at the start of the financial year figuring...

Case Win Code Black: Nursing Union stands side by side with Nurses

A PACU Nurses Code Black Experience

A nurse's journey is often characterised by heart-warming...

Aged care workers start Financial year off with 20% wage INCREASE.

A brief look at pay increases across the aged care sector heading into the new financial year.

Case Win NPAA Nurse Union Defends Member In Fact-Finding Investigation

Nurses Who Put Patient Safety First Should Be Rewarded Not Punished

Nursing demands dedication,...

NPAN Case Win #1424 NPAN Defends Nurse Against Hazardous Conditions

Empowering Nurses to Call Out Workplace Conditions

The Nurses' Professional Association of New...

$68 Million Boost for Palliative Care Projects

The NPAA has been very vocal about palliative care issues for years. Our most popular CPD event for...

Federal Government Boosts Aged Care Workers' Pay by 15%

With the new award rate adjustments, aged care workers can expect a significant boost in their...