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Case Win: Understanding Mandatory Training & Payment Entitlements

A Case Study on Nurse Entitlements

Professional development through mandatory training is not...

Case Win: Strategies for Overcoming Contract Disputes in Nursing

From Casualty to Permanence: A Nurse's Journey Through Contract Turbulence 

This is the story of a...

Behind the Membership Fees: NPAN vs. NSWNMA

NSWNMA Full Time membership costs $820.92, whereas NPAN membership is notably lower at $464.10.

NPAN: A Nurses' Union That Actually Works for You

Nurses & midwives need a union. That’s why the Nurses’ Professional Association of New South...

Case Win: Nurse Underpaid for Over a Year Due to Misclassification

Nurses Union NPAA steps in to help 

A nurse from the Queensland Branch, the Nurses Professional...

Case Win: Union Representative Helps Nurse Get Paid

Your Shield in Wage Recovery

All employees have one time or another faced unexpected challenges at...

Case Win: Making Workplace Meetings A Positive Member Experience

How Nurses Can Approach A Meeting With The Manager

For current and future members of the Red Unions...

Case Win: Developing Responsible Social Media Usage

Effective Health Advocacy: A Mentoring and Training Program

Case Win: Underpayments in Nursing? Nurse Union NPAA Will Fix It

Payroll Beware

Errors can occasionally occur, particularly in areas like payroll and employee...

Case Win: Navigating a Nurses Wage Dispute

How NPAA Assists Member in Unexpected Wage Conflicts

Most people, at some point in their working...