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2 min read

Case Win NPAA Nurse Union Defends Member In Fact-Finding Investigation

Nurses Who Put Patient Safety First Should Be Rewarded Not Punished

Nursing demands dedication, compassion, and a commitment to patient care. Nurses are at the forefront of healthcare, tirelessly working to ensure the well-being of their patients.

During our nurse member’s shift, they noticed a colleague's inadequate handling of a patient with a deteriorating condition. Driven by their genuine dedication to providing excellent patient care, they decided to offer constructive feedback to improve the situation and help their colleague learn better procedures.

However, much to their surprise, our nurse received a disheartening letter from the Human Resources department instead of fostering a culture of improvement. The letter contained serious accusations of misconduct and cultural insensitivity, leaving them feeling shaken and uncertain about how to proceed.

Recognizing the need for assistance in navigating this distressing situation and fearing the potential consequences without the expertise to defend themselves, the nurse sought support and guidance from their union - Nurses Professional Association of Australia (NPAA).

NPAA responded promptly and assigned an experienced case manager to our nurse's case. The case manager listened attentively to the nurse's side of the story, providing empathy and reassurance throughout the process. With our support, the nurse felt empowered to clear their name and protect their professional integrity.

Facing a fact-finding investigation can be emotionally draining, but with their NPAA case manager by their side, the nurse felt well-prepared and supported. The case manager conducted a thorough investigation, gathering evidence and consulting relevant parties to gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

NPAA demonstrated a commitment to fairness, transparency, and justice for our member throughout the investigation, understanding the seriousness of the allegations and their potential impact on the nurse's career and well-being.

On the day of the fact-finding investigation, our nurse faced the challenging meeting with their NPAA case manager. Despite feeling nervous, the nurse presented their case confidently and eloquently, thanks to NPAA's guidance and preparation.

With concrete evidence and persuasive argumentation, we successfully asserted that the allegations were unfounded. The case manager highlighted the nurse's genuine concern for the patient's well-being and dedication to maintaining a supportive work environment.

As a result of NPAA's and our member’s diligent efforts the truth prevailed. The allegations against our nurse were withdrawn, vindicating their actions and restoring their reputation. The nurse felt elated and relieved, knowing that their career had been safeguarded thanks to the invaluable support of NPAA.

How is the NPAN so effective in defending members during workplace issues and disputes? Our experienced and professional case managers use our unique RED™ case resolution system.

Why is the NPAN different? We believe that real change in healthcare STARTS with empowering frontline nurses, not bureaucrats. 

If you are a member of NPAN and need assistance with an bullying or a return to work please submit an Member Support Form on your dashboard, or contact us on on 1300 263 374 - hotline@npan.asn.au

To find out more about NPAN and become protected today visit: npan.redunion.com.au/join