NPAN | News

Case Win: Addressing Workplace Bulling in Nursing

Written by NPAN | Jul 17, 2024 2:00:00 AM
Advocacy & Support for Nurses

Every nurse and healthcare worker deserves to feel safe, valued, and respected in their place of work. Yet, the reality for many, like Mary, a dedicated member of the Queensland branch of the NPAA paints a vastly different picture.

Imagine arriving at work each day only to face condescending remarks from your superiors in front of your colleagues, imagine receiving hurtful comments about your appearance and having your professional judgement publicly undermined. 

This was Mary's experience—an experience that is sadly not uncommon in the healthcare sector.

Mary's experience didn't end with a few hurtful remarks. Her care manager, instead of fostering a supportive environment, manipulated colleagues into staying back after shifts to discuss Mary's performance. False allegations were perpetuated, suggesting Mary contributed minimally during night shifts—a claim that not only undermined her hard work but also eroded her morale and professional reputation.

Feeling victimised and unsure of how to navigate her toxic work environment, Mary turned to the NPAA for support. Mary was assigned a capable case manager to provide valuable guidance and advocacy. 

With the support of NPAA Mary’s concerns were taken seriously. A formal grievance was filed and as a result there was a noticeable shift in how she was treated. 

Why is the NPAA different? We believe that real change in healthcare STARTS with empowering frontline nurses, not bureaucrats. 

If you are a member of NPAA and need assistance with a workplace issue, please submit a member support ticket on your dashboard, or contact us at 1300 263 374 -

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The name of the member in this article has been changed for confidentiality reasons.